Complete routing in 3 easy steps

  • 0. Setup

  • 1. Parcels

  • 2. Shifts

  • 3. Deliveries

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Set up your team and vehicles

Just some simple setup steps. Once you've done it, you are ready to go!
  • Invite your Drivers and set up who's the boss, aka Admin.
  • Add your vehicles and their capacity to help us maximize them.
  • Set up your company, and don't forget to pin your depot to know where to start.

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Upload your parcels easily

You have multiple options to upload your parcels, choose the one that fits you best.

  • Manually: no words needed, just do it
  • By .csv file: use our template file, edit it in Excel (or co.), and upload your parcels in bulk
  • By API: connect Routic and your system with our API, let the data flow smoothly, and lay back
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Create shifts for routes 

Once all the parcels are uploaded, you can create the best mix of routes for a day: a shift.

  • Set the date, and choose a shift manager from your team
  • Add drivers and vehicles available, adjust stop time and working hours
  • Let the algo do the trick: the optimized routes are ready in no time


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Start the engines

Routes are ready, so too your drivers?

  • Check the routes created and drivers assigned, and modify if needed
  • Publish the routes: your drivers get their duties via the Routic mobile app
  • Track the parcels, and monitor the progress while sending customer notifications automatically

Routic app - the only thing your driver needs

Our easy-to-use mobile app guides your driver through the whole delivery process step-by-step. They can view, filter, and reschedule their stops, and send well-timed customer notifications with a simple tap.

The Routic app handles the COD processes as well as digital signatures and PIN protocols for contactless delivery. Create your Fuvar account, and invite your driver to download it.

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